Rental Tab Screen

Use this screen to enter or view the rental information. This screen includes a vendor search feature. The information in this screen can be edited.

Description of fields on the screen

Field Label Description
Rental Company Enter the name of the rental company or select the search button.
(search button) Selecting this button opens the Search Rental Vendors screen. Use this button to search for an existing rental vendor.
Address 1 The street address where inspection took place.
Address 2 Enter any additional address information (e.g., street number, building number) in this field.
City/State/Zip Enter the city name, select the state from the droplist, and enter the postal code information in the appropriate fields.
Phone Number(s) The selected contact phone number are listed in this section.
Phone Type This option describes the type of phone number. Phone types include Business,Car, Cellular, Day, Evening, Fax, Modem, Other, and Pager.
Phone Number Enter the area code, phone number and extension in this field.
Order This indicates the primary and secondary phone numbers.
(blue up and down arrows) Use these arrows to move the selected phone number up or down the list.
(red X) Selecting this button removes the selected phone number from the list.
Rental Status This is the rental status. Valid values are In Use, Not In Use, and Unknown (default selection).
Rental Start Enter the date of the appointment in this field, or select it by clicking the calendar icon.
Coverage $/Day The insurance policy authorized coverage per day amount.
Days Enter the insurance company authorized rental car maximum number of days.
Approved by insurance Select this option to indicate the insurance company has approved the rental coverage.


Workfile - Rental Tab

See Also

Setting Up a Connection to a Car Rental Company







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